Personal Injur

What Are the Common Types of Personal Injury Cases?

Have you been injured as a result of another person’s actions? Or have you been involved in an accident at work or on the road?

If you answered yes you may have a personal injury case. Personal injury cases allow an individual to sue another individual or group because of negligence. Negligence means that a person or group was expected to act in a certain way and failed to do so.

There are dozens of types of personal injury cases, and the best way to find out if you have a case is to contact a personal injury lawyer. But before you make the call read this list of the most common types of personal injury cases.

1. Motor Vehicle Accident

On average there are 6 million car accidents a year. A person injured during a car accident they may have significant physical injuries – whiplash, broken bones, bruising, etc. A driver who isn’t following the rules of the road or that is driving distracted may be negligent.

If the driver’s negligence caused an accident and you were injured, call a personal injury attorney. They will walk you through the steps to take to get the compensation you deserve.

2. Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is a specific type of personal injury case in which a medical professional or entity was negligent when caring for a patient. For example, if a surgeon accidentally leaves a tool inside the human body during a procedure – that’s medical malpractice.

Entities like hospitals or pharmacies can also be negligent and sued for personal injuries. Medical malpractice cases can result in large sums of money for the wronged patient.

3. Slip and Fall

A property owner must keep the property safe. If they fail to do that they may be negligent. Therefore, if a person’s injury happened on another person’s property, the owner could owe money.

These personal injury cases are sometimes called slip and fall cases. Not all injuries on another person’s property are personal injury cases. The case will depend on the legal expectations of the landowner and whether he or she met that expectation.

4. Dog Bites

Unfortunately, there are over 2,000 dog attacks every day in the United States. And many of those attacks result in serious injuries – often to children. Dog bites are one of the most common kinds of personal injury cases – but they do not typically go to trial.

Dog bite cases can settle out of court. It usually results in compensation for the individual or family that was harmed including payment for medical bills.

How to Handle Personal Injury Cases

If you have been involved in one of the personal injury cases described above, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, time off of work, or long-term health problems. If you have a personal injury case, seek an experienced personal injury lawyer to help you with your case.

They can answer any questions you may have and help you through the legal process. Contact a personal injury lawyer today.

You can learn more about your legal rights and common legal cases by reading our other blogs!

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