Personal Injury Lawyer

Why Do I Need a PI Lawyer?

Following a serious accident that resulted in serious injuries, it’s perfectly normal to have all sorts of questions. Will I recover from my injuries, and when? Will I be able to go back to work, and when? What about my lost earnings while I was away from work? How can I possibly pay all my medical bills and other injury-related expenses?

And “do I need a personal injury lawyer and why?” is probably one of these questions. Not all accidents will require help from a lawyer. But you might need a PI lawyer in the following situations:

Fault for The Accident is Not Clear

In an accident where fault isn’t clear or easily determined, you will need a personal injury attorney. Rest assured that the other party’s insurer would attempt to blame you for the accident and the resulting losses.

You Sustained a Serious and/or Permanent Injury or Illness

You certainly need to seek help from a Clearwater personal injury attorney if you acquired a serious and/or permanent illness or injury. Likewise, if your injury will require lifetime or long-term care or resulted in permanent disability, working with a lawyer will help ensure that you avoid lifelong financial burden for your family by obtaining proper compensation for your losses.

The Accident Involves Multiple Parties

An experienced personal injury lawyer is highly capable of dealing with multiple attorneys and insurance providers at once. Your lawyer can likewise build a case that would maximize your damages as well as your potential jury verdict or out-of-court settlement.

The At-Fault Party’s Insurer is Delaying or Has Denied Your Claim

Insurers are well aware that most people don’t really understand the complex rules and procedures involved in personal injury claims. This means that they rely on an injured victims’ ignorance of the law to try and deny their claim simply because they know that they have the advantage over claimants that do not have legal counsel.

In addition, insurance claims adjusters are masters at delaying injury claims to try and get injured victims to settle their claims for the lowest possible amount. They know that most claimants have significant medical expenses that need to be paid and not enough money to pay them, so they will take advantage of the situation and offer a quick but very low payout.

Seek Legal Help from a Skilled Clearwater Personal Injury Lawyer Now

Keep in mind that no two injuries or accidents are exactly the same, and the circumstances surrounding them will always be unique to each client. If you’re still unsure if you need a personal injury lawyer, please do not hesitate to reach out to us here at the Tragos, Sartes, & Tragos law firm.

You can discuss your case with our experienced Clearwater personal injury lawyer during your free consultation to find out whether you can sort out your claim on your own or whether you might benefit more from having professional legal assistance. Call 813-223-6405 or contact us online to schedule your free case review with our Clearwater personal injury lawyer today.

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