
Settlement of the Nvidia GTX 970 Class Action Lawsuit

In an attempt to minimize the damage that has been caused by Nvidia’s misinformation, the company has agreed to settle the GTX 970 class-action lawsuit. The settlement amount is approximately USD 30 per qualifying GTX 970 device. Eligible class members must have purchased their GPUs in the United States between September 1, 2014, and August 24, 2016. To be eligible for the $30 cash settlement, eligible class members must submit proof of purchase.

The lawsuit claims that Nvidia sold the GeForce GTX 970 with less than 500 MB of VRAM.

Although the GTX 970 is marketed as having 4GB of VRAM, it only had 3.5 GB. This has led to a series of complaints from angry consumers. The settlement amount is expected to be higher as Nvidia is required to pay attorney’s fees. However, the settlement only covers the costs of the GPU itself.

The Court’s ruling in the case will allow eligible buyers to receive a settlement amount. The company has agreed to pay the full costs of the plaintiffs’ lawyers and has settled the suit. The lawsuit covers the period between September 1, 2014, and August 24, 2016. The settlement amount is based on the fact that the plaintiffs assumed their graphics cards would have 4GB of VRAM, but instead received 3.5GB. To qualify, the purchaser must have purchased the GTX 970 between September 1, 2014, and August 24, 2016.

To receive a settlement amount, customers must have purchased the GeForce GTX 970 from an authorized retailer in the U.S. between September 1, 2014, and August 24, 2016.

The settlement will be worth $30 for every eligible consumer who meets the criteria. It is not yet clear whether the case will reach trial, but Nvidia has decided to accept the settlement in hopes of avoiding further litigation. So far, this settlement has been a positive step toward consumers.

As of November 30, 2016, the court has not ruled on whether a person may qualify for the Nvidia GTX 970 class-action lawsuit. The lawsuit alleges that the company sold consumers the defective GTX 970 GPUs with incorrect specifications. These buyers were unaware that the GPUs did not have the right amount of memory. As a result, the consumers are eligible to receive compensation if they are affected by the defect.

The settlement also includes an additional stipulation that may have prevented the consumers from purchasing the wrong model.

The lawsuit claims that the Geforce GTX 970 is not capable of running games at its advertised performance levels. The manufacturer of the GTX 970 had to make a change to the GPU. The result was a settlement with a hefty price tag. This is a win for everyone. The company was a winner for the consumers.

The company agreed to settle the class-action lawsuit pending against the Nvidia GTX 970. The agreement is the result of a lawsuit filed in California on behalf of consumers who purchased the GPU. The plaintiffs’ attorneys are seeking compensation for consumers who were cheated by Nvidia’s false advertising. If the case is successful, the lawsuit will cover the attorneys’ fees. The companies have agreed to settle the case, which has made it easier for the class to file a new claim.

If the class action is successful, the settlement will be in favor of the consumers.

The Nvidia GTX 970 class-action lawsuit consists of a proposed $30 refund for any consumer who purchased a GPU with less than 4GB of memory. If this settlement occurs, the GPU will be replaced and the consumer will get a full refund. The company is also required to reimburse the cost of the GPU’s replacement. This will be the best option for many people.

The settlement will cover the cost of a new graphics card, including shipping. Additionally, the money will cover the legal fees for filing a claim. Affected consumers can file for a refund if they purchased the GPU from an authorized retailer. The refund will also cover the price of a new GTX 970 for sale in the U.S. at authorized retail locations. It is unclear how many people will opt to file for the settlement, but it is important to know that if the GPU is the cause of the problem, a consumer can file a lawsuit against the manufacturer for damages.

One thought on “Settlement of the Nvidia GTX 970 Class Action Lawsuit

  1. I have been told by Nvidia that this case was settled in 2016 and the claims for the misrepresentation have expired.

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